The BioFactory_00 plant will use hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) as a converter of organic matter into high value-added raw materials.
Proyecto BioFactoria

Narrative description of the project

Since last January, GHENOVA has been developing the BioFactoría_00 project for Entomo AgroIndustrial. The project consists of the development of the industrialization process and the realization of the FEED (Front End Engineering Design) of a black soldier fly breeding and processing plant. The BioFactory_00 plant will use hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) as a converter of organic matter into high value-added raw materials. Raw materials include: hydrolyzed proteins and lipids for animal feed, chitosan for pharmacology and cosmetics, and organic fertilizers for agricultural use. The plant will be capable of treating 21,900 tons per year of food industry waste, with the capacity to scale up to 43,800 tons of bio-waste per year. For the development of this phase, pilot and laboratory scale BioFactory data obtained by Entomo AgroIndustrial at the Research Center located in Cehegín operational since November 2019 will be used.